Tuesday, 31 May 2011

A month of lean Saturdays

I haven't written for ages. Ella has been teething and basically I am suffering from a serious lack of sleep and "me" time. I am not always convinced about this motherhood thing. Nobody warns you that it is going to be so hard at times. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, but sometimes I just need a break.

Anyway, I haven't cooked for ages. I miss getting my hands dirty. The only thing I have managed to conjure up of late, is banana bread, just because it HAD to be done. The bunch of overripe bananas in the fruit bowl was seriously on their way to the bin. I am sure they prefer being in the bread.

This Friday I have been invited for Shabbat. I am looking forward to it as my host is an excellent cook. I will at least, for a very long while, have something to blog about. I must again apologise for my lack of communication. One year olds are not for the faint hearted. At least Friday will be only grown ups. I am really looking forward to it.

Until then...

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